Emphysema – What You Need to Know

Emphysema is a lung disease that usually gets developed after a long time of habitual smoking. It is a type of lung disease group known as COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

There are around 300 million alveoli present in healthy lungs. When emphysema prevails, the alveoli get destroyed along with some lung tissues. Because of this destruction, the alveoli are not able to support the bronchial tubes in the lungs. This collapses and causes a blockage or obstruction, which traps all the air inside the lungs. It is more common in adults aged above 50.

The Signs and Symptoms of Emphysema

  • Shortness of breath – During stair climbing or doing light exercises
  • Recurrent hypoventilation feeling going in the body
  • Chronic cough is known as the smoker cough
  • Wheezing – Especially during sleeping
  • Chronic production of mucus in the body
  • Chronic fatigue and sleepiness

The Causes of Emphysema

The number one cause of emphysema is smoking. Due to this fact, emphysema is considered one of the most preventable lung diseases in the body. Air pollutants in the workplace and home inherited factors, including alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and many respiratory infections, also take part in causing emphysema in the body.

The Treatment Options for Emphysema

Bronchodilator medicines help in relaxing the body muscles around the lung airways. These are often utilized for treating asthma. Bronchodilators which are given through inhalants taken by hands, produce speedier results and come with fewer side effects than oral medicines.

Anti-inflammatory medications help in reducing inflammation taking place in the lung airways. However, the side effects of these drugs, in the long run, include hypertension, osteoporosis, fat redistribution, and high blood sugar.

Oxygen therapy is recommended for patients whose lungs are getting deficient in oxygen in their bloodstream. The patients cannot absorb enough air from the air, which is why they need to get more oxygen through a nasal catheter or an oxygen mask.

A lung volume reduction surgery is performed to remove a part of the diseased tissue and then combine the healthy tissue.


If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, telemedicine makes it possible for you to get the care you deserve. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Telakai Health online Provider and get on the road to recovery. Schedule your visit today.