– What You Need to Know Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health disease in which the affected individual has compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts. The condition can affect everyone, males, females, and children. Some patients start having symptoms early around their pubertal stages. However, in most cases, symptoms start occurring in the early adulthood years. Globally, 2.5% population gets the condition.

The Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

If you have a complaint of OCD symptoms, you might start getting obsessive thoughts as well as compulsive behaviors regarding a certain idea or a material thing. These are categorized as follows:

An obsession pertains to having an unpleasant and unwanted image, urge, or a thought which keeps occurring in your mind repeatedly – resulting in feelings of anguish, discomfort, and anxiety.

Compulsion is a repetitive mental act or behavior shown by an individual that makes them feel as if they are required to do a certain thing on a repeated note in order to get rid of their unpleasant feelings and thoughts regarding a thing.

The Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Some of the causes of OCD are:

Family history – You may develop OCD if one of your family members has it, mainly due to the genetic history

Mental health differences – Some people with the condition may feel hyperactivity happening in their brain because of an imbalance of chemicals in the body, such as low levels of serotonin.

Life events – The condition might be more prevalent in individuals who are neglected, abused, or bullied at some point in their lives and then starts sometime after the occurrence of the event, such as a bereavement or after childbirth.

Personality traits – People having a methodical approach or those people who like keeping things neat and organized are more inclined to get the condition. People with anxiety or a huge stress load are also at risk of developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

The Treatment Options for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Psychological therapy in which different modules, such as CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are involved is used to treat the condition. In terms of medicines, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs are used to alter the imbalance of the chemicals in the body. Visit Telakai Health for more info.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, telemedicine makes it possible for you to get the care you deserve. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Telakai Health online Provider and get on the road to recovery. Schedule your visit today.