– What You Need to Know
Vertigo is characterized by a feeling of dizziness and imbalance. If you are known to have dizzy spells, you may feel that you are spinning or your surroundings are like that.
The Signs and Symptoms of Vertigo
Some of the symptoms include:
- Tilting and spinning
- Swaying
- Imbalance, tilting
- Pulled towards a direction
Some added symptoms include the following:
- Feelings of nausea
- Vomiting
- Involuntary and frequent eye movements
- Headache and sweating
- Tinnitus
- Loss of hearing
The Causes of Vertigo
Vertigo is caused by a problem in the ear. Other causes include benign paroxysmal vertigo, which includes tiny calcium particles that get dislodged from the normal area and get collected in the inner ear. It transmits the signals towards the brain regarding the body and head movements that are relative to gravity. The condition is idiopathic in nature. What’s more, Meniere’s disease is considered as a result of changing pressure and fluid buildup in the ear. It may cause different vertigo episodes and tinnitus as well as hearing loss.
What’s more, labyrinthitis, also known as vestibular neuritis, is an ear infection caused by a virus usually. It results in inflammation around the auditory nerves that aid in the balance of the body.
The Treatment Options for Vertigo
Some medications are prescribed to get rid of symptoms like motion sickness or nausea. For reducing infection, steroids and antibiotics are given. For Meniere’s disease, doctors may prescribe diuretics for reducing fluid pressure. In some cases, vestibular rehab, which is a kind of physical therapy, is used for strengthening the ear vestibular system. The system transmits signals towards the brain about movements that are relative to gravity.
Some doctors also recommend specific movements for BPPV condition called the canalith repositioning maneuvers. They send the calcium deposits from the canal to the inner ear chamber in order to get absorbed by the human body. In severe cases, the patient has to undergo surgical intervention to treat the condition completely. This usually becomes necessary when the cause remains idiopathic or untreatable by other treatment regimens such as medications or physical therapy.
If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, telemedicine makes it possible for you to get the care you deserve. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Telakai Health online Provider and get on the road to recovery. Schedule your visit today.